What are the 4 most essential components of a modular OT setup?

Setting up a modular operation theater requires detailed planning and thorough execution. It’s not an overnight job that can be achieved just by choosing the right components and installing them at random locations. The very beginning of modular OT setup planning starts with identifying the most crucial components without which your infrastructure won’t be up and running. Since there are countless requirements, varying with OT requirements and layouts, we have listed the four common equipment units that cater to the needs of every modular operation theater, regardless of its size or purpose.

OT control panel

Also known as a surgeon control panel, it is a centralized system with a built-in display and several regulatory functions that allow the entire surgical team to maintain desired conditions within the modular OT. For instance, the OT panel can be used to adjust the brightness of the surgical LED lights or control the temperature at a desired level required for the procedure to be conducted.

Surgical LED lights

Rather than choosing the regular bulbs or lights for the modular OT rooms, it’s better to opt for more advanced systems, like surgical LED lights. These generate clear and higher illumination with an adjustable brightness control system so that surgeons won’t have to worry about reduced visibility in the OP field. They also do not cause any shadow, thereby allowing surgeons to gain clear visibility and exercise precision.

Surgical scrub stations

No modular OT can function properly without a surgeon scrub sink. Although it needs to be installed right outside the operation theater, the sink allows surgeons and other team members to scrub their hands and maintain proper hygiene and sanitation. Hence, the sterility within the OT rooms won’t be compromised by any means and it will also help in streamlining the movements.

Laminated air flow system

Another major component necessary for every type of modular OT setup is a laminated air flow system suspended from the ceiling. It generates unidirectional airflow and maintains the sterile conditions required in the OT rooms. Besides, it can be easily integrated with the HVAC system for proper temperature and humidity regulations.


With modular OT manufacturers, you can rest assured that the equipment units will deliver exceptional performance and help you improve patient care and comfort.


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