Main features you look for in a modular operation theater

Hospitals and healthcare centers require state-of-the-art operating theaters wherein the entire operating team performs major surgeries and incisions effectively and hassle-free.

This is where you look for modular operation theater manufacturers that are trusted and reliable. These manufacturers can also install modular operating theaters in an end-to-end manner.

In this online guide, let us look at the top three features you look for in a modular operation theater. Shall we get you started on the same?

Air handling system

You require a clean and contamination-free circulation of air inside the operation theaters. The surgeons or the entire teams perform complication operations and surgeries on their patients, and you cannot allow dust or grime inside the atmosphere to reach patients’ delicate organs or tissues that have been exposed open for surgical incisions. The air handling vents also control or regulate the temperatures to suit the body condition of patients being operated on.

Clear lighting system

A transparent LED lighting system is essential for operating doctors or surgeons who perform complex operations or surgeries on patients. The lighting must not emit UV rays or cast shadows in the room. It must be clear and transparent so that the surgeons can see through the minutest details of exposed tissues of organs that need to be operated on.

LED X-ray film viewer

An LED X-ray film viewer typically scans MRI scans, CT scans, and other X-ray-related images for the doctors to see through clearly and precisely. The LED X-ray film viewer can be connected to the computer screen where doctors perform surgeries or operations. Inside the OT cabins, the LED X-ray viewers must not produce light or UV-related deflections. The equipment must also be adjustable to 10+ levels of brightness or lighting conditions.

Automatic closing hinge doors

In an operating theater, you require doors that close automatically, and the hinged doors must be of good and sturdy quality. The doors must also be germ-free or contamination-free and kept clean and hygienic at all times.


We have seen four important components that are included in a modular operating theater.


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